Omkar Textile

patna, bihar

Omkar Textile - patna, bihar

Business Dealing In

Top Retailer of Embroidered Dress Material

Leading Seller of Cotton Fabric

Best Dealer of Woolen fabric

Shop of Unstitched Dress Material

Omkar Textile, a renowned online retailer based in Patna, has gained a strong reputation in the textile industry. Our store is well-known for offering a wide range of products, including embroidered dress materials, dress materials, cotton dress materials, cotton fabrics, woolen fabrics, and more.We take pride in curating a diverse collection of embroidered dress materials that showcase exquisite designs and intricate embroidery work. These dress materials are perfect for creating stunning ethnic wear and formal attire. With a focus on quality, we ensure that our embroidered dress materials are crafted with precision and attention to detail.For those who appreciate the versatility and comfort of cotton, we provide a variety of cotton dress materials. These dress materials are made from high-quality cotton fabrics known for their breathability, durability, and ease of maintenance. They are available in various prints, colors, and patterns, allowing you to create stylish and comfortable outfits for different occasions.

About Omkar Textile

Omkar Textile : Retailer of cotton dress material, cotton fabric, dress material, embroidered dress material, unstitched dress material, woolen fabrics in Patna, Bihar, India.

Company Factsheet

Basic Information
Nature of Business Trade


Additional Business Type

Retail Merchants

Contact Person

Omkar ( CEO )

Business Key Segments


Firm Locality

Patna, Bihar, India

Legal Status of Company


Total Number of Employees

Upto 10 People

Company's Annual Turnover

Rs. 50 Lakh - 1 Crore

Payment, Shipping and Delivery Packaging and Policy Details
Delivery Versus Payment Method

Payment Terms as per Agreement, Cash on delivery (COD)

Goods Packaging Types

Corrugated Boxes & Cartons, Carry Bags, Plastic Packaging

Shipping/Shipment Services

By Air, By Cargo

Estimated Delivery Time

4 To 6 Days

Seller Verification By Tim
TIM Verified Stamp


Key Contact Of Omkar Textile

Company Registered office

7, Choudhary Market, Ashok Rajpath Road, Bankipur, Patna, Bihar, India

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Local Area


Area Pincode


Connected Person

Omkar ( CEO )

+91 9386960xxx

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Working Hours :

Monday To Friday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Saturday : 10:00 AM To 07:00 PM

Sunday : Closed

Questions & Answers on Omkar Textile

  • What are the various mode of payment accepted Omkar Textile?

    Omkar Textile is presently accepting all major payments methods Mobile/Net Banking, Electronics Bank Transfer, Mobile Banking

  • What is product return and payment refund policy at Omkar Textile?

    Return Policy at Omkar Textile Easy 7 days return, refund and exchange. Return Policies may vary based on products and services.. Product Return and refund policy are various at stage of delivery date.

  • What will be Product and company Disclaimer for users of Omkar Textile?

    Legal Disclaimer of Omkar Textile is Due to computer monitors displaying colors differently and everyone that the color you see accurately portrays the true color of the product.

  • Is Omkar Textile located inside any wholesale market?

    Yes, Omkar Textile is located inside Patna Street Market which is one of the famous wholesale cloth market in Patna.

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Simliar Seller From Patna, Bihar, India
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