Textile infomedia offers you to promote your textile business with affordable price of
220000*/1 Year
220000*/1 Year
Premuim member will get 12 months validity for the service offered by TIM as per the package.
We have develop a very user friendly login panel keeping in mind the basic requirement of any seller .You can get member login access for updating your profile, contact details, products banner, products images and category. You can also maintain a proper follow up report through login panel.
We create detailed business profile for our premium member which is displayed online consisting of catalog banners, products gallery and contact page with detailed information.
You can upload unlimited products with product discription and selling price. TIM will provide support by uploading upto 100 products at the intial stage of creating your business profile and product gallery.
Textile Infomedia Premium member seal creates a trust and TrustMark stamp indicates that you are a geuine and authentic seller and can build a trust factor to the buyers.
Get TIM Supreme Suppliers Tag for products and company listing for 1 year indicating assured quality of your products and price.
Textile Infomedia always tries that you never miss an inquiry, so we send you inquiry alerts through SMS and E-mail to your registred number and mail id. You can acquire party name and contact details to get connected easily.
Premium Member will get priority listing and inquiries than TIM Power members. You will recevice verified inquiries as per your business nature and profile.
Textile infomedia does your branding and marketing through various business channels. Also helps the members to promote their produtcs in doesmtic and international textile market and get connected to the international and national buyers through our portal.
Every busines has different requirement for buying and selling and to fulfill the same we have come up with Post buy and sell offer as per your business needs. This offers can be displaced in Textile infomedia Buy and sell offer zone which are easily obtainable through us.
We also doing print media marketing by publishing the detailed information about the TIM memebers in our TIM Directory Book which is published every year with latest upgradation. Prime location Full page advertisment in TIM directory for 1 edition.
Textile infomedia helps to advertise your product and profile on our sites through sided banners and ads to get the benefit of both clicks and exposure through 50000 views(CPI) and reach the wide numbers of buyers. You can also avail more number of CPI by paying for the same as per your requirement offered by us.
Technical innovation has incresaed the online usage in finding the right product from the actual sellers. So textile infomedia offer you with your own website with the domain( .com, .in, .co.in) valid for 1 year with 5GB Linux hosting. Avail full responsive wesite for mobile and desktop version.
Get 10 own coporate Email ID in the name of your business as per the availability. You can create your own business indentity by mail id. Eg. contact@textileinfomedia.com
Visual effect gives more impression then written promotion. Textile infomedia uploads 3 Products gallery video (upto 5min) and 1 corporate profile video (upto 3min) in your business profile.
A payment gateway is a merchant service provided by textile infomedia by intergating various online payment option available on a click. We provide a multiple intergrated payment to make the tramsaction safe and easy.
Various online platforms are used to promote and market business profile, products and services using social media and digital marketing. Textile info media helps premium members by providing them with social media integration through their own website in a single click.
Whatsapp helps you to get connected to viewers in a click and relpy them instantly. We provide a whtasapp API button in your fully responsive website and application to get connected to the viewers instantly in a click and reply them quickly.
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