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11 to 25 People
Sole Proprietorship (Individual)
Rs. 25 Lakh - 50 Lakh
We Sharman Mechanical works are manufacturer of Horizontal Cone Tape Zippier Dyeing Machine,Yarn Vertical Tube Dyeing Machine etc...
To : Sharman Mechanical works
Automatic Grade: Automatic
Condition: New
SMW Multi Pot Sample Dyeing Machine is ideal to run 2, 4, 6, & 8 Pots coupled to each other, dyeing yarns of same colour or running individually to facilitate dyeing yarn of different colours simultaneously. This is very useful for standardizing the recipes of dyeing before batches are taken in bulk. This avoids trial and error methods, hence saves time and resources utilized. Each pot has a range from 100 gms. To 1.5 kg. per batch as per the requirement. The apparatus allows sampling trails in laboratory. Each vessel can be charged with different type of materials. Each kier has its own pump and controller. Main feature of this machine is a perfect reproducibility from laboratory to bulk production. The machines are available with different levels of automations. The machine is suitable for dyeing of Polyester, Cotton, Viscose, Nylon, Acrylic, Texturized, Silk, Wool, etc. in various forms like Cone, Tape, Narrow Fabrics, Zipper, Hanks, Ribbons, Tops & Loose Fiber.
1. Machine body & all parts coming into contact with the dye liquor are made of AISI SS 316Ti/316L, highly corrosion resistant
2. Turbo pump for liquor circulation (In-Out & Out-In) with Inverter drive for varying speed
3. Control panel with JOGSON dyeing programmer TPR13I/PLC & touch interface (Optional)
4. MLR of 1:4 to 1:16
5. Air pad system to insert air manually into the machine to create static pressure and to minimize the liquor ratio
6. Colour addition tank with Injection Pump for dozing the dye liquor into the machine
7. High efficient heat exchanger which has no heat loss to the ambient (Optional)
8. HT Drain - the machine can be drained at 130 C
9. Pneumatically operated front door locking / unlocking
10. Human/Machine safety interlocks
610000/ Beam Dyeing
0/ Nos
0/ Pcs
690000/ Dyeing Machine
1800000/ Set
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